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Lion's Mind

Lion’s mind dual extraction tincture was crafted with physical and mental clarity in mind. With Lions Mane, Cordyceps, and Reishi mushrooms, this blend is sure to jump-start your day or keep you at peak performance for mental and physical tasks when you need it most. As a daily supplement, this tincture promotes optimal cognitive function and physical stamina alongside many other benefits.

Lions Mane, Cordyceps, and Reishi
Best for:

📈 Elevate Memory and Concentration
🧠 Foster Neurogenesis
🚀 Combat Fatigue and Stress
💪 Boost Physical Performance and Energy
❤️‍🔥 Ignite Libido

Lion’s mind dual extraction tincture was crafted with physical and mental clarity in mind. With Lions Mane, Cordyceps, and Reishi mushrooms, this blend is sure to jump-start your day or keep you at peak performance for mental and physical tasks when you need it most. As a daily supplement, this tincture promotes optimal cognitive function and physical stamina alongside many other benefits.

  • May improve memory and concentration*
  • Promotes neurogenesis*
  • Aids in fatigue and stress reduction*
  • May enhance physical performance and energy*
  • May increase libido*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*

How to take

Take 1 dropper full (approx 45drops) twice daily for maximum results.

You can drop the tincture under your tongue and let it sit for a moment or two before swallowing.

Or drop it into your coffee, smoothie, or any other favorite beverage!

* Lion's Mind tincture should not be taken close to bedtime*

* May improve memory and concentration
* Promotes neurogenesis
* Aids in fatigue and stress reduction
* May enhance physical performance and energy
* May increase libido

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Lion's Mane: mushrooms are distinctive for their shaggy appearance, resembling a lion's mane. They have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine for various potential health benefits. Lion's Mane is often associated with cognitive health support, potentially promoting memory, focus, and overall brain function.

Cordyceps: Cordyceps are unique fungi that grow on the larvae of insects. They have been traditionally used in Chinese medicine for their potential energy-boosting and endurance-enhancing properties. Cordyceps are often sought after by athletes and individuals looking to support stamina and physical performance.

Reishi: Reishi mushrooms, also known as Lingzhi, have a glossy, reddish-brown cap and a woody texture. They are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine for their potential adaptogenic properties, which may help the body adapt to stress and support overall well-being. Reishi mushrooms are also believed to have immune-modulating effects and may support cardiovascular health.

Shipping Policy

Orders placed before 2 PM (MST) Monday - Friday will be shipped the same day.

Orders placed after 2 PM (MST) Friday will be shipped next business day.

Orders over $50 USD will qualify for free shipping, anything under will be calculated based on current shipping rates.

*Shipping is currently only available in the United States*

What Our Customers Say
Based on 44 Reviews:

Take it every morning and have noticed a big difference in my energy level and focus!

Matt D.

Lion's Mind

Since starting this product I have been feeling healthy and it gives me peace of mind that I am actively protecting my self naturally.

Armando P.

Immune Shield

This product has my skin feeling a lot smoother and healthier! Love it!

Manny P.

Fountain of Youth

The 3 pack is priced well and the combination of using these everyday has been great!

Manny P.

Trilogy Pack

This supplement has helped keep me healthy, especially during flew season. The Immune Shield supplement has the perfect mixture of different mushrooms that have so many healthy benefits. Highly recommended supplement!

Saydrin D.

Immune Shield

Since taking the Fountain of Youth supplement my hair has grown so fast, my completion has been clear, and my nails are strong and healthy. I have seen physical changes that prove the effectiveness of this supplement! Amazing buy and highly recommended!

Reese W.

Fountain Of Youth

I love putting a few drops of each of these supplements in my morning water or smoothie. Each supplement has its own benefits, and when I take each of them everyday I have never felt better. I highly recommend the trilogy pack!

Dylan W.

Trilogy Pack

There's probably never been a more important time to take steps to strengthen our immunity right than right now, and I'm so happy I found this product, which does just that!

Matt D.

Immune Sheild

Ever since I’ve taken this product I never get sick anymore!!! Yay!

Kathy M.

Immune Sheild

Life changing!!! Wish I had found this sooner

Brooklyn D.

Lion's Mind

A friend recommended this to me. I’m a senior and my memory hasn’t been as sharp as it had been in earlier years. I I noticed a difference after several weeks of using Lion’s Mind. My memory has dramatically improved and I feel alert and more comfortable participating in conversations. I’m recommending this to other friends and family.

Susan D.

Lion's Mind

One of my favorite supplements! This is the real deal! My health has improved dramatically ever since introducing this tincture into my daily life!! I don’t get sick anymore the way I used to!

Noemi R.

Immune Sheild

Absolutely worth a try, you will be impressed by the quick benefits. Anyone who values their health and can't afford being sick, will love this!

Andrew D.

Immune Sheild

Lion’s Mind is a awesome product, I use it everyday

Jarryd G.

Lion's Mind

Fantastic supplement. It’s improved my metal clarity beyond belief and that’s an understatement

Ali W.

Lion's Mind

The pack is the move to make! I am so happy I have all three, as they each have their special benefits and play a big part in my overall health and life!

Ricky C.

Trilogy Pack

I’ve always been concerned about my health and I heard such good things about immune shield, it definitely have me on the right right!

Marcos T.

Immune Shield

In a world where healing yourself is almost considered a criminal offense, Trilogy Fungi offers an opportunity to be a rebel. We need more rebels in medicine. All hail the powerful mushroom. Thank you Trilogy Team for educating the masses on personal, medical sovereignty ❤️

Jamie W.

Trilogy Pack
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Product Details Image

Lion's Mind

$ 29.99 USD
$ 45.00 USD

Lion’s mind dual extraction tincture was crafted with physical and mental clarity in mind. With Lions Mane, Cordyceps, and Reishi mushrooms, this blend is sure to jump-start your day or keep you at peak performance for mental and physical tasks when you need it most. As a daily supplement, this tincture promotes optimal cognitive function and physical stamina alongside many other benefits.

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Shipping Policy

Orders placed before 2 PM (MST) Monday - Friday will be shipped the same day.

Orders placed after 2 PM (MST) Friday will be shipped next business day.

Orders over $50 USD will qualify for free shipping, anything under will be calculated based on current shipping rates.

*Shipping is currently only available in the United States*

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